2018 Visiting Relatives in Boston

We spent 5 days in the Boston area and visited cousins that we hadn't seen in thirteen years. Everyone is fine and welcomed us like visiting dignitaries. We stayed in Lynn with Arlene and Jack, Susan, Rob, and Olivia. Their 6000 sq foot house was built in 1865 and has been beautifully renovated. It is decorated with great taste by Arlene and Susan. Everyone was doing well and looked wonderful 

The first day we drove over and picked up Justine and Amy and then went on to Easton where we spent the afternoon catching up with Jackie and Shawn and meeting Alex. Jackie put out appetizers and then had a catered dinner for us. 
Amy, Justine, Shawn, Jackie and Audre at Jackie's beautiful table
It was great; great conversations that picked up where we had left off 13 years earlier when we were at Jackie's wedding. The whole family looks like they are thriving.

On Wednesday we spent the day with Jack and Arlene. We gorged on fried clams and steamers at the Barnacle in Marblehead. We were so stuffed we never went out to dinner. We just stayed in their beautiful sunroom drinking wine that evening. Lizzie came over and we got to spend time with her.

On Thursday we went with Jack and Arlene to their JCC gym and had lunch with them in Marblehead at Shubies. That night we went out with Reisha and Bob to a restaurant in Lynnfield called Davios. They looked just great.
Audre, Dimitri, Rheisha and Bob
On Friday we went on a 7-mile walk out to the end of Nahant. We had dinner that night at Belle Isle. It was a first for us to have lobster pie--the specialty there. 

On Saturday, with Jack, Arlene, Susan and Olivia we went to Dim Sum at Hei La Moon Restaurant. It was terrific. 
Susan, Jack, Audre, Arlene and Olivia

Our flight to Dubai and then on to Nairobi left on Saturday night at 11:10 p.m. so we leisurely got ready, returned our rental car and checked in. Dinner on the flight is supposed to be one hour after take off. That would be surprising, but we'll see. 

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